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3D-Printed Medical Prosthetics Markets and its Contribution in Enhancing the Effectiveness of Medical Practice – 2015 -20

3D-printed prosthetics has often served as the poster boy for 3D printing. It is interesting with its 3D-printed hand serving to illustrate the wonderful things one can achieve using 3D printing. However the capabilities of 3D printing in prosthetics are extending beyond the often highlighted applications today.
3-D printing is a type of manufacturing process that uses a digital model to create a 3-D object out of virtually any material. The process is distinct from traditional manufacturing techniques in that it is an “additive” rather than a “subtractive” process. 3D printing will enhance the effectiveness of medical practice, creating many new revenue opportunities over the next decade.

3D-Printed Medical Prosthetics

3D printing technology showed its power to create paradigm shifts in a medical field when 3D-printed hearing aid shells first hit the market. Many more such paradigm shifts are on tits way due to “3D printing-enabled medical prosthetics,” It include 3D printing, medical imaging, and three-dimensional modeling. The outlook for medical use of 3D printing is evolving at an extremely rapid pace as medical manufacturers are beginning to utilize 3D printing in more advanced methods. The medical engineers are achieving incredible success in complex procedures through assistive 3D-printed models and guides. Further, patients around the world are experiencing improved quality of care through 3D-printed implants and prosthetics never before seen.
The future of 3D-printed medical prosthetics and orthotics, including the emergence of supply chain are interesting to note. Exploration of the capabilities of printing into lower extremity prosthetics, medical braces for skeletal system treatments, printed insoles, and other similar applications are interesting topics of this segment.

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