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North American enteral stents market to hit $62.3 million by 2023

The enteral stents market across the North yank countries of North American nation, Mexico, and also the U.S.A. is about to grow from around $46.8 million in 2016 to $62.3 million by 2023, representing a compound annual rate (CAGR) of 4.2%,  during forecast period.

Latest reports states that the enteral stents area, which has esophageal stents, gastrointestinal stents, and colonic stents, can primarily, be driven by inflated cancer rates, bigger prevalence of diseases like diabetes and obesity, and also the development of stenting technology.

The U.S.A. is the largest enteral stent market globally and is anticipated to stay throughout the forecast period, with an anticipated rise from $42.7 million in 2016 to around $57 million by 2023, at a CAGR of 4.2%. In terms of market segmentation, totally lined enteral stents dominate the area with a 73% share in 2016, followed by partly lined enteral stents.


Esophageal stents were initially uncovered all of them, partly lined and totally lined stents became additional common, as covering helps to combat the complication of growth and tissue growth.

Indeed, the totally lined and partly lined stents market segments are together increasing in North America, with a combined CAGR of 4.7% within the U.S.A., whereas the non-covered stents market is decreasing altogether in countries within the region.”

There are 3 key players within the international enteral stents market. Boston Scientific is the leading company within the area market because of an in depth line of products and a presence altogether segments. Acquisition of EndoChoice, a former smaller player within the enteral stents market, been additional strengthened the presence of the company.

The other 2 key players within the enteral tubing market are Cook Medical and Taewoong Medical. Cook Medical has established a robust presence despite a small low line of products, whereas Taewoong Medical contains a additional in depth product portfolio.

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